Thursday, 17 September 2020

Term 3 Week 9

Ok, this week was rough, a lot of stuff happened this week. First of all our class spent Monday moving into the hall, so now we are in the hall because room 2 and 3 are gonna be one big classroom or something. I don't really know what is happening but we are in the hall now. I would prefer to be in a classroom though rather then in the hall it just feels weird doing work in the hall. Also, on the first day (the day after we moved into the hall) I went to the cloak bay to put my bag away then I saw no bags were there and then I realised we were in the hall. So that's one of three things that has happened this week.

The second thing that happened is we went to Pihitia Station, a farm decently close to our school. It is owned by Angus's family and was a pretty cool experience. Not gonna lie this could be a blog post by itself, a lot of stuff happened and it was really cool. We learnt stuff about native birds, animals and a lot more. But that was a cool experience but I can write a lot more about it.

Movie and PJ day was the third thing that happened this week so we could buy popcorn and/or a pizza. The next thing was we had three movie choices to vote for The Sleepover, How to Train Your Dragon and Pets United the movie that won was called the sleepover it was alright but there are better options out there. So we could order popcorn and pizza it's really optional. The popcorn was super sweet and the pizza was just ordinary Dominos pizza.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

LTP Pt 2

 Junky Monkey is what I have done this week it is basically what I am good at, unscrewing things and discovering whats inside. I'll be honest I don't unscrew anything, I sorta just play with them, in my defence most toys have a triangle shaped screw and we don't have a triangle shaped screwdriver. We have a crosshead, flathead screwdriver and all that stuff but no triangle screwdriver the one screwdriver we need. The toys I keep talking about is just like toys people get from mcdonalds from a happy meal then they keep the toys in storage and then they chuck said toy into the Junky Monkey box.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Quick Writes

 Ok you guys know I have to do work at school and if you don't I don't know. But there is a specific type of work that I have not talked about on my blog, I mean I probably have but imma tell you more about it because why not. Every week we have a big batch of new priorities to finish here is what they are 2x word work, 4x quickwrites, 1x Blog post (which I am doing now) and 4 progressions of maths whizz every week. I've already talked about maths whizz so yeah. So at the start of every week we have a meeting about what we are gonna do this week etc and we all grab our writing books and we take key points of the video we watch. So we watch this video and it gives us a topic to write about and 4 main things to talk about. The 4 this week was: why is littering so bad, who do you think is responsible for picking up litter, and why, where would you like to organise a litter pick up in your local area, why and how could people be encouraged to litter less in your local area. We also have to write 50 words in each one so thats 200+ a week.